Stop trying harder and try something different.
There are times you’ve felt in control of your eating, body, fitness, and health. And yet, something always derails that sense of control.
The pattern is exhausting. It drains your energy and feels never-ending.
You believe that if you just. tried. hard enough. you could stick to “watching your portion sizes” or “limiting those highly processed foods” for good.
I can relate because this is what I learned, too. This is a “conventional” approach to nutrition, weight, and health. It doesn’t work for most people (95% of those who try it, in fact!).
When you feel uncomfortable in your body, but “diet” is a four-letter word.
If you’re looking for something conventional, turn around now! Food and body healing is not surface-level stuff, friend.
In this healing work, we’ll talk about how eating patterns and weight impact your health (I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist by training, after all!). Any questions you have about “what to eat to be healthy” will be addressed.
You’ll learn the science behind how your body manages weight and appetite. We’ll discuss sustainable strategies to stabilize your weight and satisfy your appetite without pursuing intentional weight loss. You will discover the reasons your past attempts at weight loss and dieting haven’t worked.
But what about my health?
If you’re wondering how nutrition therapy can improve your health without pursuing intentional weight loss, keep scrolling away! (If you’re thinking, “But my Dr. told me I needed to lose weight,” see my FAQ that addresses this concern).
In our sessions, we’ll tackle any nutrition-related medical diagnoses you have, and you’ll learn flexible strategies to manage these symptoms. Health concerns I commonly work with include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), prediabetes, Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, ADHD, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallstones, and other digestive issues.
The relief you’ve been searching for is possible.
Yes, you CAN feel more comfortable in your body without pursuing intentional weight loss.
My main role in our work together will be to inspire a change in how you relate to food and your body. You’ll begin to understand how your relationship with food and body has come to be what it is today.
Our work will center around generating more ease with food and movement, increasing body respect and acceptance, improving your body image, and honoring the experiences you’ve had that have shaped your relationship with food. This path and timeline look different for everyone, but I can assure you that it doesn’t happen overnight.
Embrace a mindset shift and see results.
With a fresh new take on health and well-being, you’ll understand how your psychological well-being has had an impact on your physical wellness.
You’ll stop obsessing about food. You’ll ditch the all-or-nothing way of thinking that has kept you in the binge-restrict cycle and led you back to dieting time and again.
The mental energy you’ll have to pour into the life you want to live will be abundant. Your food and body concerns will no longer be such a detriment to your mental health.
Rediscover whole-hearted health, with a teammate who has years of experience doing the same (that’s me!). Gift yourself a new way of living with and in your body.
Call me today to start the epic journey that will transform your relationship with food!